How do I set up a trade union in 9 steps
- We need to find at least 15 employees of the same company to set up a trade union. They are founding members.
- Each of the 15 must sign an application for membership in the trade union.
- The Statute of the trade union organization, the basic act governing the formation, organization, reorganization and termination of the trade union activity, is elaborated.
- The General Assembly for the formation of the union is organized.
- The General Assembly elects union leadership and censors.
- The General Assembly establishes the level of membership fee payable by trade union members (usually between 0.5 and 1% of the basic salary). The levy is tax deductible up to a maximum of 1% of income.
- The headquarters of the union are established.
- The minutes of the constitution of the union containing information about the founding members, the elected management of the trade union, the censor's choice, the level of the contribution, etc., are drawn up.
- The application for the legal personality of the trade union organization is attached, attached to the list of founding members, their applications for adhesion, the list of the executive management body, the proof of the headquarters.
- The application for registration of the union is drawn up in the Special Register of the Court.
- The application for granting the legal personality of the trade union organization and the application for registration of the trade union in the special register of the court, together with all necessary documents, shall be submitted to the court in which the trade union has its headquarters.
- The court decides within 30 days on the application for registration of the trade union in the special register of the court.
More details about the establishment of a trade union organization and status patterns, requests, tables, etc. ask from the headquarters of the county branches or Contact.